In this session our EMEA experts explore how COVID-19 has impacted Construction Contract Claims across EMEA.

This is the first session of our EMEA skill set series. The series will include three skill set sessions which will focus on key legal topics across EMEA.

COVID-19 has substantially impacted construction projects across EMEA and has dictated new ways of working, delaying and disrupting many projects. An understanding of how the governing law of the contract deals with these claims is of crucial importance to both contractors and employers in order for them to ensure that their rights are protected.


  • consider the current COVID-19 status across EMEA
  • compare the different government approaches adopted in response to COVID-19
  • discuss the position on entitlement to claim
  • analyse the nature of claims being pursued
  • consider the dispute resolution approaches adopted
  • discuss the potential for other outcomes such as settlement and termination


When and where

08:30 - 09:30 BST

Pinsent Masons Video
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