
Managing risks in energy transition projects: Risk allocation & contracting strategy

In this session of the series, our front-end construction specialist, Peter Jang will share best practices for contracting strategy and risk allocation for construction contracts in energy transition projects. 


Event date

In person - 16:30 - 18:00 SGT

Online - 16:30 - 18:00 SGT

In this 10-session masterclass series, we will navigate how to best manage the risks and challenges of constructing energy transition projects in Asia.


  • Session 1: Risk Allocation & Contracting Strategy
  • Session 2: Managing the Supply Chain
  • Session 3: Key Issues in JV Arrangements
  • Session 4: Design Liability and Defects
  • Session 5: Mitigating the Unexpected (1): Project & Site Data / Physical Conditions
  • Session 6: Mitigating the Unexpected (2): Price Volatility, Regulatory Changes and Sanctions 
  • Session 7: Change Management
  • Session 8: Managing Delay Risks
  • Session 9: Ageing Assets, Stranded Assets, and Decommissioning
  • Session 10: Managing and Optimizing the Operation & Maintenance (Key O&M provisions, responsibilities of the O&M Contract, interface issues)


Event location

Pinsent Masons MPillay
182 Cecil Street
#32-01 Frasers Tower
View in maps
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