
Technology transformation: how to manage risk and operate an effective programme

Technology-enabled transformation is a high-priority for financial institutions. In this session our panel of technology, cyber and information law experts will share insights from our experience advising on transformation programmes across the sector and consider how financial institutions can implement effective technology change programmes. 

However, technology change can carry significant risk and regulators now expect the financial services sector to have learnt lessons from recent technology change failures. 

Please join us for a webinar sharing insights from our experience advising on transformation programmes across the sector. In particular, our panel of technology, cyber and information law experts will consider how financial institutions can implement effective technology change programmes by addressing issues including:


  • Governance, oversight and risk management issues
  • The role of operational resilience in technology change
  • Commercial issues in technology contracts and managing third party risk
  • Data migration risks
  • Managing supplier disputes
  • Cyber risks and moving away from legacy systems

When and where

12:00 - 13:00 BST

Pinsent Masons Video
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