
Trends in Qatar disputes: Bonds, banks, shareholder liability, lifting the LD cap and litigating in the Investment and Trade Court

Pinsent Masons Qatar is delighted to welcome you to a seminar on risk management and disputes.

We will be sharing our observations and insights on recent trends involving:

  • Bond calls – maximising your chances of a successful demand and what to do if it is challenged.
  • Banks – the increasing bank involvement in litigation and arbitration of construction projects.
  • Shareholder involvement – attempts at piercing the corporate veil to access assets of business owners to enforce judgments and awards.
  • Delay damages – how the Qatar law enables parties to recover more than the contractual cap on liquidated damages.
  • Investment and Trade Court – the procedural strategies being deployed and observations on court appointed experts and litigation strategies.


Event date

17:30 - 21:30 AST



Registration and refreshments 


Panel discussion and Q&A


Networking, drinks and canapes



Event location

W Hotel
West Bay
Building 262
Street 831
View in maps
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