Following a raft of developments across all areas of competition law, this year’s conference will focus on the changing legal landscape impacting businesses across all sectors. 

The conference will focus on the changing legal landscape in relation to competition and consumer law enforcement, vertical agreements, foreign investment control, subsidy control, sustainability and the rise of UK competition class actions, with speakers from the Competition & Markets Authority (CMA), NERA, Oxera, Brick Court Chambers and Pinsent Masons. 

We welcome Dr. Michael Grenfell, Executive Director of Enforcement at the CMA as our keynote speaker to open this year's conference. Other high profile speakers joining us on the day include George Lusty, Senior Director of Consumer Protection at the CMA and Richard Whish, Emeritus Professor, King's College London.

Who should attend?

C-suite executives, directors, in-house counsel/lawyers from all sectors seeking to understand the impact of new competition law developments on their business.


When and where

10:00 - 16:05 BST


Conference programme


Keynote speaker: UK competition enforcement – challenges and opportunities

Dr. Michael Grenfell – Executive Director, Enforcement, Competition & Markets Authority


Competition law in review – key trends and horizon scanning

Richard Whish, Emeritus Professor of Law – King’s College London


The UK Subsidy Control Regime – first impressions

Dr. Totis Kotsonis – Partner, Pinsent Masons

Nicole Robins – Partner, Oxera


National Security & Investment Act – an update

Giles Warrington – Partner, Pinsent Masons




Consumer protection: the CMA’s enforcement powers and managing risk

George Lusty – Senior Director, Consumer Protection, Competition & Markets Authority

Angelique Bret – Partner, Pinsent Masons


What do you need to know about the New Vertical Rules in the EU and UK and what are the opportunities?

Robert Vidal – Partner, Pinsent Masons




Sustainability – Competition law extended or recycled?

Giles Warrington – Partner, Pinsent Masons


The rise of UK competition class actions – mitigation and defence strategies

Alan Davis – Partner, Pinsent Masons

Grant Saggers – Managing Director, NERA Economic Consulting

Sarah Abram QC – Brick Court Chambers

Michael Fletcher – Partner, Pinsent Masons



Session 1 - Morning


Pinsent Masons Video

Session 2 - Afternoon


Pinsent Masons Video

Session 3 - Late afternoon


Pinsent Masons Video


Dr Michael Grenfell

Executive Director, Enforcement at Competition & Markets Authority

George Lusty

Senior Director at Consumer Protection, Competition & Markets Authority

Grant Saggers

Managing Director at NERA Economic Consulting

Nicole Robins

Partner at Oxera

Richard Whish

Emeritus Professor of Law at King's College London

Sarah Abram

QC at Brick Court Chambers

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