The first in our Life Sciences Ireland Series will highlight the challenges and opportunities arising from the acceleration in innovation in healthcare technology and digital transformation, both of which are helping to build momentum for connected health technologies across the pharmaceutical and technology sectors.

Our keynote speaker is Helen Dixon, Data Protection Commissioner for Ireland who will share her views on the non-negotiable need for highest standards of data protection in connected health as it revolutionises the pharma and digital health sectors.

Janice Carling, European Head of Data Privacy at Teva Pharmaceuticals and Dr Frank O’Donnell, Lead for Digital Health in Ireland at Microsoft will also share their views and experiences on the challenges and opportunities provided by this ongoing transformation, in respect of both the pharmaceutical and technology sectors.

We will also be joined by Cerys Wyn Davies, Partner and Intellectual Property & Privacy Law Life Sciences specialist at Pinsent Masons who will evaluate the key intellectual property and data privacy issues that must be considered when operating in the digital health space. Ann Henry, Partner in Intellectual Property & Privacy Law, Life Sciences in Dublin will chair the event.

Who should attend?

Senior executives and GCs operating inthe pharma, tech and healthcare industries as well as senior IP and data specialists.

When and where

16:30 - 17:30 BST



Dr Frank O’Donnell

Lead for Digital Health in Ireland at Microsoft

Helen Dixon

Data Protection Commissioner for Ireland at Data Protection Commission

Janice Carling

European Head of Data Privacy at Teva Pharmaceuticals

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