Our next event in our Life Sciences Ireland series will focus on IP strategies for success. We will discuss key insights on how to formulate a successful IP strategy for corporates in the life sciences sector.

Chaired by Ann Henry, Intellectual Property and Data Protection Partner at Pinsent Masons (Ireland) we will be joined by keynote speaker Gerard Barrett, Controller, Intellectual Property Office of Ireland, Corey Salsberg, Vice President, Global Head IP Affairs at Novartis, Washington D.C., and Liam Diamond, Lead for the FDI Tax Group at PwC Ireland.

Each of our esteemed speakers will share hints and tips on how to formulate a successful IP strategy in the life sciences sector. Topics will include: 

  • Liam Diamond, Lead for the FDI Tax Group at PwC Ireland will focus on IP tax planning and optimisation. He will discuss how a smart IP tax strategy will focus on factoring in the lifecycle of R&D development, how Ireland will remain attractive to international life science companies looking to expand across Europe and key issues to watch for in 2021.
Who should attend?

IP leads, Senior Executives and GCs operating in the pharma, tech and healthcare industries.


When and where

16:30 - 17:30 GMT

Pinsent Masons Video


Corey Salsberg

Vice President, Global Head IP Affairs at Novartis, Washington D.C.

Gerard Barrett

Controller at Intellectual Property Office of Ireland

Liam Diamond

Lead for the FDI Tax Group at PwC Ireland

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