The creation of a Digital Single Market within the EU has been one of the core aims of the Juncker Commission. Close to 50 legislative initiatives have been kicked off since May 2015 when the Commission first published its strategy. A plenitude of regulations and directives have been introduced covering such topical aspects as geo-blocking, portability of online content, data privacy and localisation, audio-visual media, platform liability and many more. This webinar will take stock of where we stand in the process towards a truly existing single market in the online world.

We will also provide an outlook towards what the challenges will be for the new von der Leyen Commission. Our speakers will give insights in tomorrow’s digital environment and the future framework for doing online business within the EU; they will focus on data, copyright, eCommerce and new liabilities online service providers are facing.

Led by Nils Rauer, the webinar features expert speakers from several European offices based in our Digital Single Market team.


When and where

13:00 - 14:00 GMT



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