A series of webinars that will share critical thinking across both the public and private sector and will explore whether the government's proposed planning reforms are likely to do the job in terms of facilitating the rebuilding of the UK economy.


Planning for the Future: What does it really mean for residential, retail and commercial development? In the first of our series of expert panel webinars examining the practical implications of the Government’s White Paper, we will debate and answer the following key questions:


  • What are the Government’s three policy pillars (planning for development, beautiful and sustainable places and infrastructure and connected places) and what do they mean for the planning system?
  • How will the new system provide landowners, developers and communities with greater access to and certainty in the plan making process?
  • Will the changes really embed a heightened value for design and sustainability?
  • Will the Government’s proposals to tear up the current system of s106 agreements and the community infrastructure levy, result in improved transparency, and importantly the funding and delivery of required social and physical infrastructure?
  • What do the proposals mean for the delivery of affordable housing?
  • How will the proposals help revitalise our town centres?
  • Will the reformed planning system encourage greater domestic and international investment in the country?


We are privileged to be joined by an outstanding panel, discussing and debating what promises to be the most significant overhaul of the planning system in the modern era.

The debate will be followed by a Q&A session. Questions can be submitted on the day or alternatively if you would like to ask a question in advance, you can send them to: Residential and Commercial - Iain Gilbey

Who should attend?

Designed for those who are involved in planning across residential and commercial where attendees will gain an insight into the issues that need to be considered, offering an appreciation of the challenges facing each market.

When and where

11:15 - 12:30 BST



Bill Hughes

Head of Real Assets at L&G

Christopher Katkowski QC

at Landmark Chambers

Ian Tant

Independent Consultant and Immediate Past President at The Royal Town Planning Institute

Matthew Spry.

Senior Director at Lichfields

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