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Australia and Germany plan to certify green hydrogen

Agencies in Australia and Germany plan to develop and certify renewable hydrogen, renewable ammonia and other renewable hydrogen-based fuels and materials.

The Australian Smart Energy Council and the German Energy Agency, known as Deutsche Energie-Agentur (Dena) have formed a partnership to certify that hydrogen and other variants from fossil fuels are green.

The bodies will work together on initiatives to support new green hydrogen developments, identify barriers and seek opportunities on trade between Australia and Germany across the hydrogen supply chain.

They will also work together in the international partner network of the Global Alliance Powerfuels on carbon neutral powerfuels that is headed by Dena.

Energy expert George Varma of Pinsent Masons, the firm behind Out-Law, said: “This alliance demonstrates the active steps taken by both Australia and Germany to identify and promote opportunities for participation in the international green hydrogen market and to investigate barriers and opportunities to accelerate the development and deployment of renewable hydrogen. “

”Significantly, the partnership solidifies the joint feasibility study executed by both countries in September 2020. Opportunities to participate in the collaborative initiative will continue to grow as a result of these definitive steps, which potentially opens the door for the emergence of new service sectors for participants in the hydrogen market,“ he said.

Australian Smart Energy Council in December announced its plan to develop the Zero Carbon Certification Scheme for renewable hydrogen, renewable ammonia, renewable metals and other hydrogen derivatives within Australia. The scheme intended to be based on the industry led 'CertifHy' scheme in Europe.

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