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UAE launches AI charter with focus on human wellbeing

Businesses seeking to develop and adopt artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the UAE should evaluate the applicability of the principles set out in a new charter published by the government for the development and use of AI.

The charter is set to support the UAE’s AI strategy for 2031, which aims to transform the UAE into a pioneer in AI by investing in people and industries. The charter is also designed to enhance the safety and privacy standards in the creation and application of AI technologies, and push developers and users of AI to put human values and rights at the heart of technological innovation.

Legal expert Zil Rehman of Pinsent Masons said that the charter is in line with the UAE’s AI strategy and serves as a guiding framework to protect the rights of the UAE community in the development or use of AI.

The charter sets out 12 general principles, with a focus on strengthening human and machine relationships for human wellbeing and progress. The principles place importance on safety, fairness, privacy and transparency, in line with the government’s aims to ensuring AI systems can provide an equitable environment for society and making them inclusive and accessible for everyone.

The charter also includes principles to boost governance and accountability in AI to ensure the technology is used ethically and transparently, as well as to emphasise compliance with international treaties and local laws related to the development and use of AI.

“Businesses seeking to develop and implement AI technology in the UAE will need to evaluate the applicability of the principles to their activities and give effect to the recent guidance,” said Rehman.

“While the charter itself does not explain the mechanism for enforcement and penalties for non-compliance, we expect to see further developments on the topic in the foreseeable future,” he added.

The UAE has been active in creating an AI-friendly ecosystem. Its AI strategy for 2031, for example, focusses on building a reputation for the UAE as an attractive destination for AI investment, research and product development.

The development of a UAE AI approval seal mark is a key element of the strategy, according to Rehman. “The mark would seek to provide credibility for high quality and ethical AI businesses in the UAE,” he said.

The strategy has eight objectives, including deploying AI in priority sectors such as energy and transport; developing a fertile AI business ecosystem; adoption of AI in customer facing services; developing human resources for AI; developing AI research capability; and AI infrastructure along with effective governance.

In 2023, the UAE government also launched a guide to encourage the adoption of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as ChatGPT, across several key sectors. This is another example of its proactive approach to address the opportunities and challenges presented by AI technology.

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