Chris Hourihan

Christopher Hourihan

Senior Associate

Christopher specialises in property development work. He has experience advising on all residential tenures but has a particular focus on housing, student accommodation and build to rent projects.

Christopher has extensive experience in acting for public and private sector clients on all aspects of development transactions from site acquisition and due diligence, the negotiation of sale and purchase, development, forward funding and joint venture agreements, financing and refinancing assets whether completed or still under construction to the realisation of the investment whether by way of an asset (both single and portfolio) or corporate sale. Christopher has particular expertise in the BTR and student housing sectors having acted for developers, investors and operators of both asset classes.

As well as his technical proficiency, Christopher is commercial, pragmatic and reliable. He is client focused and works with his clients to understand their client’s business and its ultimate goals and objectives. Having acted for a diverse range of clients in the residential development sector he brings the experience of having sat on all sides of the table to each transaction.

Christopher's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Christopher Hourihan

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