Gutirrez Fernando

Fernando Gutiérrez


Fernando is the Partner in charge of the litigation and arbitration department of Pinsent Masons Madrid. He is a State Attorney (Abogado del Estado), currently on leave from Government practice. Fernando has extensive experience in civil, commercial, and corporate litigation, as well as pre-litigation advice.

Fernando's experience


    • 2019
      Member of the Spanish Arbitration Club (CEA)
    • 2019
      Member of the Spanish Arbitration Court
    • 2017
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2016
      Co-author of the Memento Procesal, Lefebvre
    • 2015
      Ramón y Cajal Abogados - Partner
    • 2007
      General Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Directors, National Institute of Communication Technologies (Inteco, now called the Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute or Incibe)
    • 1999
      Member of Madrid Bar Association
    • 1999
      State Attorney
    • 1995
      Universidad de León - Degree in Law (Awarded with special distinction)
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    Out-Law / Insight by Fernando Gutiérrez

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