Riewald Marthe 2

Marthe Riewald

Senior Associate

Marthe specialises in intellectual property, more in particular patent law litigation within the life sciences. She represents pharmaceutical companies in patent litigation proceedings.

Marthe specialises in intellectual property, more in particular patent law litigation within the life sciences. She represents pharmaceutical companies in patent litigation proceedings. Often such disputes are litigated in multiple jurisdictions and frequently concern the most recent legal developments. Apart from handling the content of the cases by preparing court filings and pleading before the Dutch court, Marthe coordinates such cases by staying in touch with experts, patent attorneys and (international) team members. By doing so, Marthe has a broad overview on all arguments as raised in her own jurisdiction and abroad and ensures that all relevant arguments are developed optimally to ensure the most positive impact for the clients’ case.

In 2020, Marthe won the LMG Life Sciences Award for Rising Star the category Intellectual Property. That year, she was also shortlisted for the Euromoney Rising Stars Europe 2020 Patent Award. In both 2020 and 2021 she is included as an 'expert' in the Expert Guides Rising Stars, in the category Patents.

In 2022, Marthe was again listed as an ‘expert’ in the Expert Guides Rising Stars, now in the category Life Sciences.

Marthe's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Marthe Riewald

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