Jun Soomin

Soomin Jun


Soomin specialises in cross-border dispute resolution, focusing on both contentious and non-contentious construction, engineering, and commercial matters. She has acted for clients in high-value international arbitrations arising from construction projects, shipbuilding, complex commercial and investment agreements under various arbitral rules.

Soomin is a dual-qualified lawyer (England & Wales and New York) with a practice is focused on international arbitration and cross-border disputes. Her recent experience includes representing a Korean shipyard in LMAA arbitrations over drillship resale contracts, an investor in SIAC arbitration concerning pre-IPO investment disputes, and victims of one of the largest fraudulent investment schemes, in developing civil and criminal strategies to pursue perpetrators.

Fluent in English and Korean, Soomin has advised clients from diverse jurisdictions. Prior to joining Pinsent Masons, she practiced at a leading US law firm, representing clients in international arbitrations and commercial disputes across various sectors. 

Soomin's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Soomin Jun

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