- 成为有史以来第一家被慈善机构Stonewall承认为英国LGBT+最具包容性雇主的律师事务所
- 入选《泰晤士报》英国五十大女性友好企业
- 与Barclays和Addleshaw Goddard合作推出了《理性工作宪章》。 该宪章旨在改变可能导致无谓压力、反过来可能导致身心健康问题的工作环境。
今年1月,品诚梅森宣布了在法兰克福开设第3家德国办事处的计划;3月,品诚梅森任命Kirsty Dougan进一步发展亚太地区的Vario业务。在过去一年中,品诚梅森不断改变其办公空间,促进灵活办公,其全球50%以上的办公现已实现完全灵活办公,并投资开发了由近50名法律技术专家、分析师与工程师组成的研发部门。
品诚梅森执行合伙人John Cleland表示:
Notes to Editors
- Standout mandates throughout the year have included:
- Developing a unique collaboration with BCLP and Heathrow to support the expansion of the UK airport;
- Advising on the acquisition of Manildra Solar Farm which, once constructed, will be among the largest solar PV projects in Australia.
- Acted for various parties in proceedings at the UK Supreme Court I in respect of a challenge brought by a number of generic companies in relation to a dosage regime patent protecting Eli Lilly's blockbuster product CIALIS® (tadalafil)
- Representing Google in respect of a £3bn class action on behalf of c. 5 million individuals;
- Advising Railpen on the development of a unique structure for fund combining three world premier institutional investors across the UK, US and Middle East;
- Acting for AJ Bell, one of the largest UK investment platform providers, on its IPO and listing on the main market of the London Stock Exchange.
- Over the course of the past year the firm has expanded its partnership by 4% to 446 partners globally.
- Also during the past year the firm was named Law Firm of the Year 2018 by The Lawyer magazine and Law Firm of the Year 2019 by Legal Business magazine.