An update in relation to food and trading law, including the Deposit Return Scheme Scotland, recent ASA decisions in relation to ‘Green Washing’ and other topical issues.

A bite-size session covering recent and forthcoming legal developments affecting many in the Food and Drink sector.

Forming part our Health & Safety 2023 webinar series, topics covered in the session include:

  • Food and trading law updates
  • Deposit Return Scheme Scotland
  • ASA decision relating to ‘Green Washing’


Who should attend?

This webinar is suitable for Health and Safety experts, HR professionals and in-house lawyers, looking to gain valuable insight into the recent highlights and key developments in Health and Safety across industries and sectors.


When and where

10:00 - 11:00 GMT

Pinsent Masons Video


Hannah Burton

Associate at Pinsent Masons

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