In this webinar we will look at various aspects of the law governing safety risks in offshore renewables and oil & gas and will focus on some important recent developments.

Offshore energy has been central to the UK’s economy for more than 50 years. The hazardous environment means however that work in this area is not without risk.

Forming part our Health & Safety 2023 series, this webinar we will look at various aspects of the law governing safety risks in offshore renewables and oil & gas, and will focus on some important recent developments.

Topics covered in the session include:

  • Various aspects of the law governing safety risks in offshore renewables and oil & gas
  • Recent developments including implications of environmental protest


Who should attend?

This webinar is suitable for Health and Safety experts, HR professionals and in-house lawyers, looking to gain valuable insight into the recent highlights and key developments in Health and Safety across industries and sectors. 


When and where

10:00 - 11:00 GMT

Pinsent Masons Video
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