Investment in infrastructure is taking centre stage in driving economic recovery from the Covid19 pandemic whilst boosting the competitiveness of nations. This means the potential for huge growth in the formation of joint ventures to deliver infrastructure projects.

Our guide launched earlier this year Joint ventures – Delivering infrastructure projects is designed to help the infrastructure sector identify critical success factors to developing effective and efficient joint ventures to deliver infrastructure projects during three phases of recovery from the Covid19 pandemic - Restructure, Reset and Reinvent.

This is the first in a series of webinars that we will hold to consider and examine the key issues around the first phase of recovery - Restructure. The webinar focuses on the key issues from our guide aligned to the restructuring of infrastructure projects - with particular reference to disputes and termination as well as corruption and financial crime and having particular regard to the UK and European market. We will also consider the expected growth within these markets and how increased use of technology and modern approaches could impact the change in delivery of infrastructure projects.

Join our live expert panel discussion on:

  • Our guide on Joint ventures
  • Delivering infrastructure projects
  • Outlook for UK and European construction market and expected growth in Joint Ventures
  • The shifting reasons for forming Joint Ventures to deliver infrastructure projects
  • Dealing with disputes and termination for Joint Ventures
  • Strategies to identify and prevent corruption and financial crime in Joint Ventures
  • Live Q&A

When and where

8:30 - 9:30 GMT

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