Pinsent Masons LLP Legal Notices and Regulatory Information


Pinsent Masons LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales   (registered number: OC333653). It is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the appropriate regulatory body in the other jurisdictions in which it operates.

The word 'partner', used in relation to the LLP, refers to a member of Pinsent Masons LLP or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing. A list of the members of the LLP, and of those non-members who are designated as partners, and non-member partners in affiliated entities, is displayed at Pinsent Masons LLP's registered office: 30 Crown Place, London EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom and is available here.

Pinsent Masons LLP has offices in England, Scotland, Dubai, Qatar, the People's Republic of China and it has affiliated entities in Northern Ireland, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, South Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (together referred to as "Pinsent Masons").

We also use ‘Pinsent Masons’ to refer to Pinsent Masons LLP and affiliated entities that practise under the name ‘Pinsent Masons’ or a name that incorporates those words.

Location-specific Laws and Regulations

For laws and regulations, in addition to those on this page, relating to particular Pinsent Masons LLP and its affiliated offices and/or the lawyers working there, please see the web pages relating to our locations by clicking on the links below.  

Resolving Client Complaints and Further Information

All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of your local office, failing which they should be addressed to our Senior Partner at 30 Crown Place, London EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.  A copy of our Complaints Policy is available on request from [email protected].

Non-Clients and Third Party Complaints 

We are committed to acting in accordance with all applicable professional conduct rules. If a non-client considers that the firm has acted in breach of its professional obligations,  they should write to the individual within the firm with whom they  have been dealing in respect of the relevant matter quoting, where possible, the reference number for the relevant matter.  Alternatively,  they can write to the firm's Claims Counsel, at 30 Crown Place London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom or email [email protected].


Statement of Ethics

Pinsent Masons does not tolerate, permit, or engage in bribery, corruption, or improper payments of any kind in our business dealings, anywhere in the world, both with public officials and people in the private sector.  For further information, see the Statement of Ethics.  

Speak Up (Whistle Blowing)

At Pinsent Masons we are committed to conducting business fairly, honestly, transparently and in compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory obligations. We expect everyone who works for, or with, Pinsent Masons to adopt the same approach and to maintain the highest standards of ethical business behaviour.

We value a culture of openness and accountability and encourage you to speak-up in confidence about any behaviour that gives you cause for concern, either directly with your Pinsent Masons contact, or via our Safecall Speak Up Service.

Senior Partner – Andrew Masraf

Privacy Policy

Pinsent Masons may use your personal information together with other information for providing legal services, credit checks, anti- money laundering, marketing, administration and training, and we may disclose information to our service providers and agents for these purposes. We take the privacy and security of your information seriously. Worldwide we follow a global privacy policy and we will only use such personal information as set out in this privacy policy. For further information, see a full copy of our Privacy Policy

Anti-Money Laundering Policies and Procedures

Before accepting any new instruction, we will ask for information about the potential client and the nature of the proposed work for the purpose of conflict checking, credit checking, client verification procedures and other bona fide purposes. Please note that, to assist in fulfilling our professional and regulatory obligations, this information (which may include personal data) may be shared with any Pinsent Masons affiliated entity for such purposes. Any personal data received in order to comply with our anti-money laundering obligations will only be processed for the purpose of preventing money laundering, terrorist financing or proliferation financing unless such processing is permitted by law, or any other purposes to which you have consented. 

When first taking your instructions, we are required to identify both our client and (if relevant) the ultimate beneficial owner of our client, and to verify that identity in a number of ways.  We may need your assistance to satisfy these requirements.  Without compliance with these obligations, we will not be able to act for you.

It is our policy that the requirements for identifying and verifying a client's identity which are in force in the UK, shall also apply in our offices outside the UK unless local laws impose higher requirements, in which event we shall apply those higher standards. For further information, see Anti-Money Laundering.

Anti-Facilitation of Tax Evasion

Pinsent Masons does not tolerate facilitation of tax evasion, wherever it may occur.  We expect the businesses and people we engage with to fully comply with their tax obligations.  We will not tolerate any of our partners, employees, agents or business partners knowingly assisting or encouraging tax fraud by any of the clients, suppliers or others that we do business with anywhere in the world. For further information, see Anti-Facilitation of Tax Evasion Statement.

Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

Pinsent Masons opposes all forms of slavery and human trafficking, and is committed to taking steps to ensure that these do not occur in our business or in our supply chains. For further information, see Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement.

Diversity and Equal Opportunities  

Pinsent Masons is committed to providing equality of opportunity for all employees, and to creating a workplace environment where all employees are treated with respect and dignity by their colleagues. It is against our policies and in some jurisdictions against the law to discriminate either directly or indirectly on the grounds of race, colour, religion, belief or political opinion, disability, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or sex or marital status at any stage of the recruitment process, or during the course of employment. Please contact a member of the Responsible Business team on [email protected] if you require further information.

Insider Lists

Article 18 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation (2014/596) and EU Commission Implementing Regulation (2016/347) (the Insider List Rules)impose obligations on listed companies concerning the disclosure and control of inside (i.e. price sensitive) information.  If you are a fully listed company, we can assist you in complying with your obligations if so requested, for example, by maintaining an insider list and in accordance with the Insider List Rules.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

As required under the Solicitors Regulation Authority Indemnity Insurance Rules, Pinsent Masons maintains professional indemnity insurance. That insurance is with QBE UK Ltd and QBE Lloyd’s Syndicate 386 (in respect of ROW Exposure) & QBE Europe SA/NV and Lloyd’s Brussels Syndicate 5386 (in respect of EEA Exposure), Aviva Insurance Limited (in respect of ROW Exposure) and Aviva Insurance Ireland DAC (in respect of EEA Exposure) and others and covers both our professional services worldwide and our affiliated offices worldwide.

Terms and Conditions of Website Use

See our Terms and Conditions of Website Use (together with the documents referred to in it).

  • UK Regulatory


    Pinsent Masons LLP is registered in the United Kingdom for VAT purposes with VAT registration number GB 125 4630 34.

    Interest on Money Held for Clients

    If Pinsent Masons' UK offices hold client money on your behalf in a general client account, interest will be paid on all cleared funds subject to a de-minimis amount of £150 unless an alternative arrangement has been agreed between you and Pinsent Masons LLP. The rate(s) set by Pinsent Masons from time to time will be on a fair and reasonable basis.

    Details will be provided upon request.

    In respect of Northern Ireland, interest on client money held in client account will be accounted for in accordance with Regulations 21 and 22 of the Solicitors’ Account Rules 2014.

  • England and Wales

    We operate in England and Wales through Pinsent Masons LLP.

    Pinsent Masons LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) (registration number: 471972). For details of the SRA’s Standards and Regulations see here.


    Various practices of the firm are affected by financial services legislation according to different jurisdictions. Pinsent Masons LLP and its clients are required to comply with the appropriate regulations.

    Resolving Client Complaints and Further Information

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of your local office, failing which they should be addressed to our Senior Partner at 30 Crown Place, London EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom. A copy of our Complaints Policy is available on request from [email protected].

    If at any stage you are not satisfied, you may contact:

    In England & Wales -

    Legal Ombudsman (LeO)
    PO Box 6167
    Slough SL1 0EH

    Telephone: 0300 555 0333
    (From overseas +44 121 245 3050 Minicom 0300 555 1777)
    [email protected]

    You must usually refer your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman within six months of our final written response to your complaint and no more than one year from the date of the act or omission being complained about; or no more than one year from the date when you should reasonably have known that there was cause for complaint. Further details are available on the website:

    If you are a consumer (i.e. an individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside your trade, business, craft or profession) alternative complaint bodies exist which are competent to deal with complaints about legal services should both you and the firm wish to use such a scheme.  Please request further information from [email protected].

    Alternatively, for complaints of a regulatory nature you may contact:

    In England & Wales –

    Solicitors Regulation Authority
    The Cube
    199 Wharfside Street
    B1 1RN

    Telephone: 0370 606 2555
    [email protected]

    Financial Regulation

    We are not authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, nor are we regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. If, while we are acting for you, you need advice on investments, we may have to refer you to someone who is authorised to provide the necessary advice. However, we may provide certain limited investment advice services where these are closely linked to the legal work we are doing for you. This is because we are members of the Law Society of England and Wales, which is a designated professional body for the purposes of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

    The Solicitors Regulation Authority is the independent regulatory arm of the Law Society. The Legal Ombudsman provides an independent complaints review process for most clients of solicitors’ firms. If you are unhappy with any investment advice you receive from us, you should raise your concerns with either of these bodies.

    Insurance Distribution

    We are not authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority. However, we are included on the register maintained by the Financial Conduct Authority so that we may carry on insurance distribution activity, which is broadly the advising on, selling and administration of insurance contracts. This part of our business, including arrangements for complaints or redress if something goes wrong, is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. The register can be accessed via the Financial Conduct website:

    In relation to insurance distribution activities please note that we operate as an ancillary insurance intermediary and that we do not develop or manufacture insurance products. We are required to inform you that we act for you as our client in this regard and not the insurers.

    If you are unhappy with any insurance advice you receive from us, you should raise your concerns with either the Solicitors Regulation Authority or the Legal Ombudsman.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons LLP (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

    If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, then you may be entitled to ask the Legal Ombudsman of England and Wales to consider the complaint. A complaint to the Legal Ombudsman must normally be made within six months of the date of the conclusion of the Firm's complaints procedure. Details on how to contact the Legal Ombudsman and further information on the procedures involved can be found at (Note: the Legal Ombudsman can only deal with complaints from members of the public, very small businesses, charities, clubs and trusts).

    If you are a consumer (i.e. an individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside your trade, business, craft or profession) alternative complaint bodies exist which are competent to deal with complaints about legal services should both you and the firm wish to use such a scheme. For further information please refer to our Complaints Policy a copy of which is available on request from [email protected].

    If your complaint relates to charges incurred in England and Wales, you may be entitled to apply to the court for an assessment of your bill under Part III of the Solicitors Act 1974.

  • Scotland

    We operate in Scotland through Pinsent Masons LLP.

    Pinsent Masons LLP is recognised and regulated by the Law Society of Scotland. The standards that apply to our Scottish lawyers can be found at

    Various practices of the firm are affected by financial services legislation according to different jurisdictions. Pinsent Masons LLP and its clients are required to comply with the appropriate regulations.

    The firm is not authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. We are, however, able in certain circumstances to offer a limited range of investment services to clients because the Law Society of Scotland has been granted designated professional body status by HM Treasury.

    We are licensed by the Law Society of Scotland to carry on incidental financial business under the Solicitors (Scotland) (Incidental Financial Business) Practice Rules 2004, (which is broadly the advising on, selling and administration of insurance contracts) and we are included on the Register of Exempt Professional Firms maintained by the FSA. The Register can be accessed via the Financial Services Authority website at

    This part of our business, including arrangements for complaints or redress, if something goes wrong, is regulated by the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission. For details see:

    The work we carry out under our Incidental Financial Business Licence is covered by our Professional Indemnity Insurance.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons LLP (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or the head of the relevant Scottish office, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.    

    If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, then the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission may help to resolve your complaint for you. For details see:  

    We recognise that Alternative Dispute Resolution Regulations have implemented ADR/EDR Directive 2013/11/EU to promote alternative dispute resolution as a means of redress for consumers in relation to unsatisfactory services. We have however chosen not to adopt an ADR process.

    The Client Protection Fund (the operating name of the Scottish Solicitors' Guarantee Fund) is a fund established by Section 43 of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980 to protect clients who have lost money because of the dishonesty of a solicitor or a member of their staff. The Client Protection Fund is a fund of last resort and in most cases will only compensate those who have tried all other options to recover their losses. The Guarantee Fund is controlled and managed by the Law Society of Scotland. For details see:

    If your complaint relates to charges incurred in Scotland, you may be entitled to apply to the court for an assessment of your bill under Section 61A of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980.  

  • Northern Ireland

    We operate in Northern Ireland through a separate business entity, namely Pinsent Masons Belfast LLP.

    Pinsent Masons Belfast LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in Northern Ireland  (registered number NILLP116) and having its registered office at The Soloist, 1 Lanyon Place, Belfast, BT1 3LP. 

    Pinsent Masons Belfast LLP is regulated by the Law Society of Northern Ireland

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons Belfast LLP (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of the Belfast office, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

    If you are not satisfied with our response, then the complaints and redress scheme operated by the Law Society of Northern Ireland may help to resolve your complaint for you. For details see:

  • Ireland

    We operate in Ireland through our affiliated entity, Pinsent Masons Ireland LLP.

    Pinsent Masons Ireland LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in Ireland (registration number 1262499) with its principal place of business at 1 Windmill Lane, Dublin 2, DO2 F206.

    Pinsent Masons Ireland LLP is regulated by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons Ireland LLP (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of our Ireland office, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

    If you are not satisfied with our response, then the Legal Services Regulatory Authority may help to resolve your complaint for you. For details see Make a Complaint

    If you wish to dispute an invoice or bill of costs, you must notify us in writing setting out the nature of the dispute within 21 days of that invoice being provided. Where a dispute is notified, we will endeavour to resolve that dispute by informal means in accordance with the process outlined above. You or we may also refer any such dispute to mediation. You may also make an application to the Office of the Legal Costs Adjudicators for adjudication of legal costs in respect of the invoice or bill of costs. The contact details for that office are 1st Floor, Merchants House, 27-30 Merchants Quay, Dublin 8, phone: (01) 8886301. If an invoice or bill of costs is reduced by less than 15 per cent, you shall be responsible for paying the costs of adjudication. We may also apply to the Office of the Legal Costs Adjudicators for an invoice or bill of costs to be adjudicated upon after the expiry of 30 days from, and within 12 months of, the date of issue of the invoice or bill of costs if that invoice or bill of costs or part thereof remains unpaid.

  • Germany

    We operate in Germany through our affiliated entity Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB.

    Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB is an affiliated entity of Pinsent Masons LLP and is licensed to use the Pinsent Masons trade mark and branding.

    The partnership is registered at the partnership register the Local Court of Munich, PR 1953, with its principal place of business at Ottostraße 21, 80333 Munich. It operates in Munich, Frankfurt and Düsseldorf.


    Provider of this website within the meaning of § 5 TMG:

    Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB, Ottostraße. 21, 80333 Munich

    Responsible for contents within the meaning of § 55 II RStV:

    Thomas Peschke, Rechtsanwalt, Partner, (München)

    Management of Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB

    Thomas Peschke is the Managing Partner of Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB, and is authorised to represent Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB.

    Every partner is entitled to accept and process cases himself / herself.

    List of partners

    A list of equity partners and non-equity partners including information on their professional qualifications can be inspected at Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB’s place of business at Ottostraße 21, 80333 Munich.

    The word 'partner', used in relation to Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB, refers to a partner of Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB who is a lawyer or an employee or consultant of Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB or any affiliated firm with equivalent standing and qualifications.

    Admission / Professional Titles

    Unless otherwise stated, all lawyers of our German offices are admitted to practise in Germany.

    All German lawyers are members of their relevant Rechtsanwaltskammer (Chamber of Lawyers), (i.e. either Munich, Frankfurt or Düsseldorf.)

    All persons designated as lawyers for Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB are admitted to practice as lawyers under the law of the Federal Republic of Germany and, unless otherwise stated, are members of the Bar Association for the Higher Regional Court District of Munich, Tal 33, 80331 Munich ( or member of the Düsseldorf Bar Association, Freiligrathstraße 25, 40479 Düsseldorf ( or member of the Frankfurt am Main Bar Association, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main (

    All persons known to Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB and designated as tax advisors are admitted under the law of the Federal Republic of Germany and, unless otherwise stated, are members of the Munich Chamber of Tax Consultants, Nederlinger Straße 9, 80638 Munich (

    Professional Regulations for Lawyers

    The applicable professional regulations are the:

    • Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO) (Federal Regulations for Lawyers)
    • Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BORA) (Professional Regulations for Lawyers)
    • Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG) (Lawyers' Fees Act)
    • Fachanwaltsordnung (Regulations on Specialist Lawyers)
    • Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (Professional Regulations for Lawyers of the European Community)
    • Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte (EuRAG), Law implementing the Directives of the European Community pertaining to the professional law regulating the legal profession.

    All texts may be accessed through, under Berufsregeln.

    Professional regulations for tax consultants

    Relevant professional regulations for tax consultants are:

    • Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG),
    • Implementing Ordinance to the StBerG (DVStB)
    • Professional Code of the Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants (BOStB)
    • Tax Advisor Remuneration Ordinance (StBVV)
    • Specialist Advisor Regulations (FBO)

    These regulations as well as further information on them are available online on the website of the Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants

    Professional Indemnity Insurance

    Our professional indemnity insurer is

    Zurich Insurance plc

    Cover provided complies at least with the legal requirements pursuant to the Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO, the German Federal Lawyers’ Act) which requires German lawyers (Rechtsanwältinnen and Rechtsanwälte) to hold professional liability insurance with €250,000 being the minimum sum insured. Details are set out in section 51 BRAO.

    In addition, we maintain professional indemnity insurance with QBE UK Ltd and QBE Lloyd’s Syndicate 386 (in respect of ROW Exposure) & QBE Europe SA/NV and Lloyd’s Brussels Syndicate 5386 (in respect of EEA Exposure), Aviva Insurance Limited (in respect of ROW Exposure) and Aviva Insurance Ireland DAC (in respect of EEA Exposure) and others and covers both our professional services worldwide and our affiliated offices worldwide.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of the Munich office, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

    Online dispute resolution platform and consumer dispute resolution

    The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution, which can be found at

    Pinsent Masons Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Solicitors Partnerschaft mbB does not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

  • France

    We operate in France through our affiliated entity Pinsent Masons France LLP.

    Pinsent Masons France LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (registered number: OC375540), authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and registered with the Paris Bar pursuant to Directive 98/5/CE dated 16 February 1998, with its place of business at 35 Boulevard Des Capucines, 75002, Paris. 

    Our Paris office comprises lawyers (Avocat) who are regulated by the Ordre des Avocats à la Cour de Paris (lawyers registered at the Paris Bar) and may also have a number of lawyers from other jurisdictions who are members of foreign Bars. Further information on our people and their professional qualifications can be found on this site - People.

    The rules and principles applicable to the professional conduct of avocats can be obtained on the Paris Bar website ( or by contacting either the Direction de l'Exercice Professionnel +33 1 44 32 47 76 or the Direction des Affaires Européennes et Internationales + 33 1 44 32 47 77.

    Valérie Blandeau is the head of our French office. Her details, the office address, contact details and the office address can be found through the people search.

    Lawyers registered with the Paris Bar are covered by an insurance policy provided by the Paris Bar, details of which can be supplied by the Bureau des Assurances (+33 1 44 88 59 84).

    In addition, we maintain professional indemnity insurance with QBE UK Ltd and QBE Lloyd’s Syndicate 386 (in respect of ROW Exposure) & QBE Europe SA/NV and Lloyd’s Brussels Syndicate 5386 (in respect of EEA Exposure), Aviva Insurance Limited (in respect of ROW Exposure) and Aviva Insurance Ireland DAC (in respect of EEA Exposure) and others and covers both our professional services worldwide and our affiliated offices worldwide.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons France LLP (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of our Paris office, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

  • Spain

    We operate in Spain through our affiliated entity Pinsent Masons España LLP.

    Pinsent Masons España LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales (registered number: OC449959), authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, (SRA Number 8007424), with its place of business at Serrano 90, Madrid 28006, Spain.

    A list of the members of Pinsent Masons España LLP and their professional qualifications is open to inspection at its place of business, (Serrano 90, Madrid 28006, Spain) and at Pinsent Masons LLP's principal and registered office: 30 Crown Place, London EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom. The word 'partner', used in relation to Pinsent Masons España LLP, refers to a member of Pinsent Masons España LLP or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing. 

    Spanish lawyers (abogados) are regulated in their professional practice by the General Rules for Lawyers (Estatuto General de la Abogacía Española) and the Spanish Lawyers Code of Conduct (Código Deontológico de la Abogacía Española) which is based on the European Code of Conduct (Código Deontológico Europeo).      

    Other than the above, Spanish Lawyers (abogados) are also subject to additional provisions such as the Organic Law of the Judicial Power (Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial). They are also subject to provisions which may be issued from time to time by the local bar association of the bar they practice at. In Madrid, such relevant provisions are, among others, the Code Governing Publicity of Lawyers of the Madrid Bar Association (Código Regulador de la Publicidad de los Abogados del Colegio de Madrid), and the Disciplinary Regulation (Reglamento del Procedimiento Disciplinario). All of these rules also apply, mutatis mutandis, to any non-Spanish lawyers legally practising law in Spain.

    In order to be allowed to practise law, Spanish lawyers (abogados) must be registered with the Bar Association of their local jurisdiction in Spain.

    The regulatory provisions referred to above are available through any of the Spanish Bar Associations, including the Madrid Bar Association.

    Pinsent Masons maintains professional indemnity insurance with QBE UK Ltd and QBE Lloyd’s Syndicate 386 (in respect of ROW Exposure) & QBE Europe SA/NV and Lloyd’s Brussels Syndicate 5386 (in respect of EEA Exposure), Aviva Insurance Limited (in respect of ROW Exposure) and Aviva Insurance Ireland DAC (in respect of EEA Exposure) and others and covers both our professional services worldwide and our affiliated offices worldwide.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons España LLP (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of our Madrid office, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

    If you are not satisfied with our response, then the Madrid Bar, or any other Spanish analogous institution if appropriate, may help to resolve your complaint for you. For details of the services of the Madrid Bar and how to apply in case of complain or dispute see:

  • The Netherlands

    Legal Entity

    Pinsent Masons Netherlands LLP is a limited liability partnership, registered in England and Wales (registered number: OC435603) and registered with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (CCI number 82365016), and holding offices at Crossover, Gelrestraat 42, 44 NL- MZ Amsterdam. T +31 20 7977700


    Pinsent Masons Netherlands LLP is registered in the Netherlands for VAT purposes with VAT registration number NL 862436515B01

    Pinsent Masons Holds No Money for Clients

    We do not accept to hold any monies for you, and subsequently we do not have a third party bank account (derdengeldrekening) or a foundation for third party amounts (stichting derdengelden).

    Professional Organization / Rules

    Pinsent Masons Netherlands LLP's lawyers (advocaten), are registered with the following professional organization of the Netherlands Bar Association (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten) and are subject to the respective professional rules (including codes of conduct) thereof. The rules are accessible through the website of the Netherlands Bar Association or upon request from that organization. For more information about the various professional organizations, reference is made to the following address:

    Netherlands Bar Association (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten)

    Postbus 30851

    2500 GW Den Haag

    T +31 20 7977700

    E [email protected]


    Register of Legal areas

    The lawyers listed in this file have registered in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas.

    Based on this registration, they are required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.

    General Terms and Conditions

    All our engagements and legal relationships with you are subject to our general terms and conditions. A copy of standard our terms and conditions is available on request from [email protected]. The legal relationship between the client and Pinsent Masons Netherlands LLP shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the Netherlands. Any disputes arising from or in connection with the assignment, tort or otherwise shall be settled exclusively adjudicated by the competent court in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


    In accordance with the rules of its professional organization, Pinsent Masons Netherlands LLP maintains professional indemnity insurance. That insurance is with QBE Europe SA/NV and Aviva Insurance Ireland DAC, UK Branch and covers both our professional services worldwide and our affiliated offices worldwide.

    Conflicts of Interest

    We have procedures designed to prevent our acting for one client in a matter where there is or could be a conflict with the interests of another client for whom we are acting, including by checking whether conflicts of interest exist with other matters that are or have been dealt with by Pinsent Masons prior to accepting a new assignment.

    Client Complaints

    We have an enviable record of providing high quality advice and excellent client care. However, we recognise that on occasion, things can go wrong. To raise a client concern or to make a client complaint, including a complaint about our fees and charges, please in the first instance raise it with your client partner.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of your local office, failing which they should be addressed to our Senior Partner at 30 Crown Place, London EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom. A copy of our Complaints Policy is available on request from [email protected].

    If you are not satisfied with the outcome, various options are open to you depending on the type of complaint. In all cases you retain the right to institute civil proceedings. Regarding lawyers of Pinsent Masons Netherlands LLP you can issue disciplinary complaints with the dean of the bar association of Amsterdam, see

  • Luxembourg

    We operate in Luxembourg through our affiliated entity Pinsent Masons Luxembourg LLP.

    Pinsent Masons Luxembourg LLP (acting through its Luxembourg branch) is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (registered number: OC442676) and in Luxembourg (RCS Luxembourg B286543) authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA Number 8005622) and by the Barreau de Luxembourg (Luxembourg Bar) (list V), with its place of business at 69 Boulevard de la Pétrusse L-2320.


    Our Luxembourg office comprises lawyers (Avocats) who are regulated by the Barreau de Luxembourg (Luxembourg Bar) and may also have a number of lawyers from other jurisdictions who are members of foreign Bars. Further information on our people and their professional qualifications can be found on our site.

    The rules and principles applicable to the professional conduct of avocats can be obtained on the Luxembourg Bar website.

    Michel Bulach is the head of our Luxembourg office. His details, the office address and contact details can be found on our Luxembourg pages.

    Lawyers registered with the Luxembourg Bar are covered by an insurance policy provided by the Luxembourg Bar, details of which can be supplied by the head of our Luxembourg office.

    In addition, Pinsent Masons maintains professional indemnity insurance. That insurance is with QBE UK Ltd and QBE Lloyd’s Syndicate 386 and QBE UK Ltd and QBE Lloyd’s Syndicate 386 (in respect of ROW Exposure) & QBE Europe SA/NV and Lloyd’s Brussels Syndicate 5386 (in respect of EEA Exposure), Aviva Insurance Limited (in respect of ROW Exposure) and Aviva Insurance Ireland DAC (in respect of EEA Exposure and others and covers both our professional services worldwide and our affiliated offices worldwide.
    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons Luxembourg LLP (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of our Luxembourg office, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

  • United Arab Emirates


    Our Dubai office is a branch of Pinsent Masons LLP. Pinsent Masons LLP is registered with the Legal Affairs Department of the Government of Dubai with license number 612518 and has its principal place of business at The Offices 1, One Central, PO Box 115580, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    Abu Dhabi

    Pinsent Masons LLP maintains office space in ADGM at Unit 8, Level 7, Al Sila Tower, Abu Dhabi Global Market Square, Al Maryah Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates which is an enhancement of our presence in the UAE and is registered in ADGM under Commercial License, Registration Number 14741.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons LLP (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of the Dubai office, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

  • Qatar

    Our Doha office is a branch of Pinsent Masons LLP. Pinsent Masons LLP - QFC Branch is licensed by the Qatar Financial Centre Authority with license number 154 and has its principal place of business at PO Box 22758, Tornado Tower, West Bay, Doha, State of Qatar.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons LLP (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of the QFC Branch, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

  • South Africa

    We operate in South Africa through two entities, namely Pinsent Masons Africa LLP and Pinsent Masons South Africa Incorporated.

    Pinsent Masons Africa LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (registered number: OC413013) and registered with the Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission (registered number: 2016/460652/10). It provides legal services that are not reserved to attorneys in South Africa by the Attorneys Act 53 of 1979. It has its place of business at 5th Floor, 30 Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, 2196, South Africa. 

    Pinsent Masons South Africa Incorporated is an incorporated entity, authorised and regulated by The Legal Practices Council (registered number: F17331). It provides legal services that are reserved to attorneys in South Africa by the Attorneys Act 53 of 1979.  Its registered office is at 5th Floor, 30 Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, 2196, South Africa.   

    Both entities are affiliated entities of Pinsent Masons LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (registered number: OC333653) authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales and the appropriate regulatory body in the other jurisdictions which it operates.   

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons (the trading name of both Pinsent Masons Africa LLP and Pinsent Masons South Africa Incorporated) (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of our South Africa office, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.   

    If you are not satisfied with our response, then The Law Society of The Northern Provinces may help to resolve your complaint for you. For details see:

    The PAIA and POPIA Manual has been prepared in accordance with section 51 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 ("PAIA") as read with the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 ("POPIA"). It provides an overview of the records (information and documents) held by our South Africa entities and details of how such records may be accessed.

  • PRC

    Our Shanghai and Beijing offices are branches of Pinsent Masons LLP and operate under certificates granted by the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China, 10 Chaoyang Men Nan Da Road, Beijing, People's Republic of China (telephone: +86 10 6520 5919).

    Pinsent Masons LLP has its principal place of business in PRC at 10th Floor, Beijing China Resources Building, No. 8 Jianguomenbei Avenue, Beijing, 100005, China.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons LLP (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of our Asia Pacific offices, who can be contacted at Pinsent Masons MPillay, 182 Cecil Street, #32-01 Frasers Tower, Singapore 069547, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

  • Hong Kong

    We operate in Hong Kong through our affiliated entity, Pinsent Masons.

    Pinsent Masons is a partnership regulated by The Law Society of Hong Kong and has its principal place of business at 50th Floor, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of our Asia Pacific offices, who can be contacted at Pinsent Masons MPillay, 182 Cecil Street, #32-01 Frasers Tower, Singapore 069547, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

    If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, the Conduct Section of the Law Society of Hong Kong may help to resolve your complaint. For details see:

  • Singapore

    We operate in Singapore through our affiliated entity, Pinsent Masons MPillay LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in Singapore (UEN/Registration Number: T10LL1128C). Pinsent Masons MPillay LLP is a joint law venture between Pinsent Masons LLP and Mpillay, with its registered office at 182 Cecil Street, #32-01 Frasers Tower, Singapore 069547.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons MPillay LLP (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of our Singapore office, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

  • Australia

    We operate in Australia through our affiliated entity, Pinsent Masons.

    Pinsent Masons is a general partnership regulated by The Law Society of New South Wales (registration no. 30438) with its principal place of business at Level 32, Tower Two, Gateway Tower, 1 Macquarie Place, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia and offices in Melbourne and Perth.

    The general partnership is comprised of solicitors and locally registered foreign lawyers.

    At your direction, client money received from you by us will be banked in the general trust account operated by us in the State of Victoria with Commonwealth Bank of Australia. We acknowledge that this trust account is subject to the supervision by the Law Institute of Victoria and is maintained in accordance with the applicable legislation, effective at the time of the deposit. We acknowledge that if any claim for defalcation is made it will be made in and under the rules of the State of Victoria.

    All requests for further information or any client complaints about Pinsent Masons (including complaints concerning our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or head of Australia, failing which, they should be addressed to the Senior Partner of Pinsent Masons LLP at 30 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4ES, United Kingdom.

    If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, the Office of the Legal Services Commissioner of The Law Society of New South Wales may help to resolve your complaint. For details see:

  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    We operate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (the “Kingdom”) through Pinsent Masons Saudi Arabia Law Firm LLPC. 

    Pinsent Masons Saudi Arabia Law Firm LLPC (“Pinsent Masons Saudi”), a professional limited liability company incorporated in accordance with the laws and regulations of the  Kingdom under commercial registration number (1009089690) dated 22/02/1446H (corresponding to 26/08/2024)  with a share capital of SAR 100,000, has its principal place of business at Level 1, 7542 Building, Al Takhasosi Street, Al Rahmania, 12344, 3103 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

    Pinsent Masons Saudi is authorised and regulated in the Kingdom by the Ministry of Justice under licence No. 450122000017.  Pinsent Masons Saudi is managed by its appointed directors and the term partner in relation to Pinsent Masons Saudi and Pinsent Masons LLP is used to refer to a director of Pinsent Masons Saudi, a member of Pinsent Masons LLP or an employee or consultant of Pinsent Masons LLP or any of its affiliated firms or entities with equivalent standing. A list of members of Pinsent Masons, those non-members who are designated as partners, and non-member partners in affiliated entities, is available for inspection at

    All requests for further information or any feedback about Pinsent Masons Saudi (including about our fees and charges) should be addressed in the first instance with your client partner or the head of our Kingdom office, failing which, they should be addressed to the Middle East Managing Partner of Pinsent Masons at Pinsent Masons LLP, Dubai Branch Level 8, Office 1, One Central, PO Box 115580, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    For information about how we manage conflicts of interest in the Kingdom please see our Kingdom’s Conflicts Policy.

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