Althwainy Abdullah

Abdullah Althwainy


Abdullah has experience advising foreign companies on different matters, including incorporation, share transfer and structuring. He represents International and multinational corporations across various business stages and has experience in drafting and reviewing commercial contracts, law, bylaws and other legal documents.

As part of the Advisory Team, Abdullah provides comprehensive legal advice to foreign companies on various aspects of their business operations, ensuring regulatory compliance and strategic alignment with Saudi market requirements.

Abdullah specializes in corporate structuring, company incorporation, and regulatory advisory, assisting clients in establishing and managing limited liability companies, joint stock companies, and other corporate entities. He has advised multinational corporations and international investors on navigating Saudi Arabia’s evolving legal landscape, helping them mitigate risks and capitalize on market opportunities.

Beyond corporate matters, Abdullah has extensive experience in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating commercial contracts, laws, bylaws, and memorandums of understanding along with other legal documents. His work ensures that clients operate within the legal framework while optimizing their contractual positions. He is also involved in corporate governance, compliance, and regulatory filings, providing strategic insights to clients at various business stages.

Abdullah's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Abdullah Althwainy

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