Dickman Richard

Richard Dickman

Legal Director

Richard advises on complex cross-border commercial disputes, mainly in the energy sector, including conventional power, renewables and oil & gas.

Richard's experience


    • 2013
      ADR Group - Accredited Civil and Commercial Mediator
    • 2013
      SRA - Higher Courts (Civil Advocacy)
    • 1999
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 1998
      Inner Temple - Called to the Bar
    • 1997
      20 Essex Street, Pupil Barrister
    • 1996
      Clifford Chance, Associate
    • 1996
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 1996
      Law Society - Solicitor
    • 1994
      Richards Butler (now Reed Smith), Solicitor
    • 1993
      University of Cambridge - MA Law
    • 1991
      University of the Witwatersrand - BA (Hons) Economics
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    Out-Law / Insight by Richard Dickman

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