Tonova Sylvia

Sylvia Tonova

Partner, Co-head of International Arbitration and ISDS

Sylvia is co-head of international arbitration and investor-state dispute settlement. She has extensive experience in international commercial and investment treaty arbitration. Sylvia helps clients manage high-value, complex and politically sensitive disputes, focusing on the energy, mining and infrastructure sectors.

Sylvia 's experience


    • 2023
      Pinsent Masons
    • 2015
      Qualified - England, Higher (Civil) Rights
    • 2007
      Qualified - Washington, DC, USA
    • 2006
      Qualified - New York , USA
    • 2005
      Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC (Juris Doctor, cum laude)
    • 2000
      Bradford College, Massachusetts (BA, summa cum laude)
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    Out-Law / Insight by Sylvia Tonova

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