A webinar featuring a panel of experts from Pinsent Masons and Landmark Chambers to discuss the recent changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and how this will affect development, including in the Green Belt.

Our panel of planning experts will cover the following:

  • NPPF Changes in the Round & Implications
  • Green Belt Policy Update and Practical Steps and Tactics for Promotions and Applications
  • Green Belt Reviews - Policy Implications and Practical Suggestions for Maximising Benefits
  • NPPF Changes & the Approach to Meeting Future Housing Targets

Event date

09:00 - 10:30 BST

Pinsent Masons Video


Matthew Spry.

Senior Director at Lichfields

Paul Lishman

Director at LDA Design

Rebecca Warren

Strategic Development Consultant at Pinsent Masons

Rupert Warren KC

Head of Planning Group at Landmark Chambers

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