Barkha Doshi (1)

Barkha Doshi

Senior Associate

Barkha is a financial technology and financial services lawyer in the Middle East. She is a member of the firm's global fintech and blockchain teams. She advises banks, intermediaries, asset managers, fintech start-ups and regulators on all aspects of their business throughout the middle east region.

Barkha assists clients on financial technology and financial services matters. She has managed and advised on several matters relating to the issuance of digital assets, payments, and regulatory and compliance issues.

She has extensive experience in the payments industry and assists clients with their entire licensing journey - from inception to expansion and beyond. She has also advised several financial institutions, fintech start-ups, asset managers, and government authorities, e-commerce platforms on various aspects of financial services in the Middle East region.

Barkha's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Barkha Doshi

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