Galero Pablo

Pablo Galera

Senior Associate

English, French & Spanish

Pablo has deep experience advising in all legal disciplines of interest in the development of projects (generation, renewables, storage and grids), corporate, M&A, drafting and negotiation of all type of sectorial contracts such us PPA, supply, EPC, O&M

Pablo is in the Energy and Infrastructure department of Pinsent Masons Madrid. He has deep experience advising in all legal disciplines of interest in the development of projects (generation, renewables, storage and grids), corporate, M&A, drafting and negotiation of all type of sectorial contracts such us PPA, supply, EPC, O&M, and other legal aspects arising from the ordinary activity of these companies in the power sector (including renewables, cogeneration and waste facilities) and gas sectors, he has advised national and foreign companies, both in the framework of corporate transactions and in legal issues arising from the development of projects.

Before joining Pinsent Masons Pablo worked for a Spanish well-known boutique specialised in the energy industry and in two international law firms based in Madrid.

Pablo's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Pablo Galera

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