Sharp Christopher

Christopher Sharp


Christopher is based in London and Dublin and is an IP litigation specialist. He graduated in Chemistry and spent time as a research chemist. His principal area of expertise is pharmaceutical patent litigation for both innovator and generic/biosimilar clients. Christopher has significant experience of leading multi-jurisdictional teams and managing and coordinating patent litigation.

Christopher's experience


    • 2017
      Qualified Ireland
    • 2016
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2008
      University of Bristol - Postgraduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law & Practice
    • 2007
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 2005
      BPP Law School - Legal Practice Course, Distinction
    • 2005
      Herbert Smith Freehills LLP - Senior Associate
    • 2004
      BPP Law School - Postgraduate Diploma in Law, Commendation
    • 2003
      University of Bristol - BSc (Hons) First Class, Chemistry
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    Out-Law / Insight by Christopher Sharp

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