Wynn Kathryn

Kathryn Wynn


Kathryn advises on all aspects of data protection and privacy, including data sharing and marketing, the data protection implications of using electronic media, website compliance and social media, transborder data flows and data protection issues in mergers, acquisitions and re-structuring, with particular focus on Financial services and the Fintech sector.

Kathryn's experience


    • 2010
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2008
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 2006
      BT Global Services, Secondee
    • 2006
      Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Associate
    • 2004
      Dundas & Wilson CS (now CMS Cameron McKenna LLP), Legal Assistant in Technology team
    • 2003
      Qualified - Scotland
    • 2003
      Renouf & Co (Brussels), Secondee
    • 2001
      Glasgow Graduate School of Law – Diploma in Legal Practice
    • 2001
      McGrigor Donald, Solicitor
    • 2000
      University of Glasgow – LLB Law with French Language (Hons)
    • 1999
      Universite de Savoie – Diploma of French Law Studies
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    Out-Law / Insight by Kathryn Wynn

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