Watkins Trevor

Trevor Watkins

Partner, Head of Sports

Trevor delivers industry insight gained from over 20 years working within it not only as an advisor but as a former director and Chairman of a professional football team and from multiple diverse and high profile roles.

Trevor's experience


    • 2017
      Nordoff Robbins philanthropy committee, Advisory
    • 2017
      The English Football League, Director
    • 2017
      Nordoff Robbins philanthropy committee, Advisory
    • 2016
      Sported – Trustee
    • 2011
      Sport Revolution (commercial rights agency), Non-executive Director
    • 2011
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2009
      National Anti-doping Panel, Non-executive Director
    • 2008
      Drive Business (online retail), Non-executive Director
    • 2007
      Bournemouth University Business School, Advisory committee
    • 2006
      Revolution PR (PR and communications agency), Non-executive Director
    • 2005
      Anglia Ruskin - Dip International Sports Law
    • 2001
      Nordoff Robbins philanthropy committee, Advisory
    • 1991
      Qualified - England and Wales
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    Out-Law / Insight by Trevor Watkins

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