Alexis has been heavily engaged with the financial services sector throughout his career. Alexis specialises in insurance distribution, regulation and product development and works with a range of insurer and intermediary clients.

Alexis's experience


    • 1997
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 1996
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 1996
      Law Society of England & Wales - Solicitor
    • 1994
      Squire & Co, Employed Barrister / Solicitor
    • 1993
      4 Stone Buildings Chambers, Pupil Barrister
    • 1993
      Gray's Inn - Barrister
    • 1993
      Inns of Court School of Law - Bar Vocational Course
    • 1992
      Law City University - Common Professional Examination
    • 1991
      Oxford University - MA, Philospohy, Politics & Economics

    Out-Law / Insight by Alexis Roberts

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