Oliphant Rachel

Rachel Oliphant

Senior Practice Development Lawyer

Rachel ensures that the property team are fully-equipped with the necessary technical excellence and skills to deliver a commercial and efficient service to clients. Rachel is a founding member of the Property Standardisation Group, senior tutor in conveyancing on the Diploma in Legal Practice at the University of Edinburgh and on the Property Panel of Experts for Lexis PSL.

In 2001 after seven years practising as a commercial property solicitor in England and Scotland (primarily involved in development and retail work) Rachel became one of the first practice development lawyers in Scotland. In this role she ensures that knowledge gained within the team is shared firm wide and readily accessible in the future. Rachel is keeps colleagues up to date on changes in property law and market practice, creates and maintains precedents and organises and delivers training to the team and to clients. In her work with the Property Standardisation Group Rachel produces agreed forms of documents and procedures for Scottish commercial property transactions for the benefit of the profession as a whole. Rachel is on the advisory board for the Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia.

Rachel's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Rachel Oliphant

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