Pinsent Masons has been named as a top 75 employer in the Social Mobility Index 2023

31 Oct 2023 | 12:06 pm | 1 min. read

Multinational law firm Pinsent Masons has been ranked 50th in the Social Mobility Index 2023 as the firm embeds a range of programmes designed to improve representation across its business.

The ranking follows the firm’s continued efforts to improve representation engaging with clients such as Aviva and Tesco to collaborate on mentoring, career support and schools partnership programmes for students growing up in disadvantaged areas. 

The index is the Social Mobility Foundation’s annual benchmark which provides an overview of social mobility across the UK business community, highlighting organisations which are committed to improving socioeconomic diversity.

Senior partner at Pinsent Masons, Andrew Masraf, said: “Social mobility represents both a challenge and an opportunity for every business. Not only is supporting meaningful change a moral imperative, but it’s also vital for continued development and growth. It’s clear that attracting, nurturing and retaining talent from a far broader, more diverse workforce benefits any business. The diversity of thought and lived experience that genuine inclusion enables every business to be more rounded and creative in its day-to-day activities and in achieving its strategic goals.

“We are pleased to see we’ve been recognised in this year’s top 75 of the Social Mobility Index and we remain focused on advancing our social mobility initiatives to improve representation and ensure Pinsent Masons is a business in which everyone can thrive.”

The index judging panel highlighted the firm’s work in using social mobility cold spots to target outreach work, reaching young people in areas where the need for support is highest.

In recent years the firm has kick-started a number of programmes designed to target social mobility and improve diversity and inclusion. Last year the firm collaborated with Upskill me to widen access to professional services careers via student-led industry societies which enable year 12 pupils from disadvantaged areas to gain career coaching from Pinsent Masons people. 

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