Pinsent Masons named top law firm in Stonewall Workplace Equality Index

31 Jan 2018 | 07:00 am | 1 min. read

International law firm Pinsent Masons has maintained its position as the top law firm in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index 2018, an annual ranking of the best employers in the UK for inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people in workplace culture. The firm is also ranked second overall in the LGBT charity's list of Top 100 employers.

Pinsent Masons ranks in this definitive list for the 11th consecutive year and is also recognised as a Star Performer after appearing in the top 20 for three consecutive years. The recognition reflects the firm's continued commitment to greater inclusivity in the workplace for people of all gender and sexual orientations.

The firm also receives the accolade of being recognised in Stonewall's inaugural list of Top 10 Trans Employers, for demonstrating a significant commitment to trans inclusion.

Kate Fergusson, Head of Responsible Business at Pinsent Masons, said:

"At Pinsent Masons we're so proud to again be the top performing law firm and second overall in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index. Inclusion and diversity truly are foundations of the way we do business – as we want to create a working environment where all our people feel confident and safe bringing their whole selves to work – so it's fantastic to be recognised by Stonewall for the 11th year running.

"With a new focus in the Index this year on trans equality in the workplace, we're also delighted to be featured in the inaugural listings of Top Trans Employers. Over the last few years we've been working hard to make sure our firm promotes and encourages trans and non-binary gender equality, and have taken steps such as rolling out training for HR and front of house staff, introducing an option for employees and clients to use the gender-neutral Mx title, as well as setting up a working group to consider changes we can make to our facilities and work spaces to be more inclusive of all gender identities. It's something that will continue to be a focus for our LGBT and Allies network throughout 2018."

Darren Towers, Executive Director, Stonewall said:

"Pinsent Masons and all those who have made this year's Top 100 Employers list have done a fantastic job. Taking part in our Index shows real commitment to understanding and advancing LGBT equality. This year, for the first time, the Index looked at what employers were doing for trans equality in the workplace. This work is crucial. We recently published LGBT in Britain: Trans Report, which revealed the profound inequality facing trans people in Britain today. Half of trans people have hidden their identity at work for fear of discrimination. This must change and it's encouraging to see so many organisations make a commitment to trans equality. With their support and hard work we can create a world where all lesbian, gay, bi and trans employees are welcomed and accepted without exception."

For more information about the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, visit

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