We have a responsibility to help tackle climate change. And it's one we take very seriously.


We push the boundaries every day with our legal advice and business transformation services - and we're doing the same with our environmental initiatives and commitments too.

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Everybody here is passionate about doing their bit, because when we work together, it can make a huge difference. That's why in 2022 we became one of the first professional services businesses to have our global net zero target validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Committed to net zero greenhouse gas emissions across our entire carbon footprint by 2040

Committed to reduce absolute scope 1,2 and 3 GHG emissions 50% by 2030

Committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity across our global estate by 2030

How we are doing it

Improving energy efficiency using the Smart Buildings Programme and Demand Side Response


Members of CDP which is used to monitor and manage the environmental performance of our supply chain

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Approximately 75% of electricity for our premises is from REGO backed renewable sources

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Target set for suppliers representing 50% of our spend to have validated science-based targets by 2025

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What else we have done so far

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Achieved 40% reduction in energy consumption across UK offices since 2014

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Removed all single use plastic disposables from catering outlets and achieved 100% of UK waste diverted from landfill

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Cut print volumes by approx. 75% since 2014 and significantly reduced the number of devices across our offices

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Our Carbon Reduction Plan provides more detail on our emissions reduction activities and progress against our science-based targets. The Plan has been completed in accordance with UK Government Procurement Policy Note 06/21 and associated guidance.

Pinsent Masons' approach to managing climate-related risks and opportunities during Financial Year 2022/2023 is detailed in the report below, which expands on the Climate-related Financial Disclosures in our annual report for the same period.

We take climate-related risk and opportunity management seriously, regularly reviewing our systems and processes. For inquiries on our approach, assistance with your sustainability risk and opportunity management or your disclosures, please contact Michael Watson.


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Stepping up to bring our environmental impact down

Stepping up to bring our environmental impact down

This page provides additional information as to how we are working to achieve our climate and sustainability targets

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More ways to improve the world

More ways to improve the world

Find out about other initiatives we have put in place to meet our climate and sustainability targets

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