As a first-year solicitor apprentice, a few months into this exciting new chapter, my experience so far has been amazing. Every day is different, giving me the chance to develop my legal skills, build commercial awareness, and connect with brilliant colleagues. Here’s a look at what a typical day in the office is like for me:

9:15 – Starting the Day

I arrive at the office, say hello to the security team, and head up to the 12th floor where the Real Estate/Property team is based. Once at my desk, I log in and check my emails, reading through updates and adding tasks to my to do list. This gives me a clear idea of what I need to get done throughout the day. Before getting stuck in, I make a hot drink for myself and my pod – a little routine we’ve got that keeps everyone happy and caffeinated.

9:30 – Drafting a Deed of Variation Report

First on my list is drafting a deed of variation report for a client. It’s an interesting task that involves pulling key information from a lengthy and technical commercial lease document. The challenge is simplifying this complex information and presenting it in a way that’s easy for the client to understand – a key skill for any lawyer. This kind of work is a great way for me to build confidence working with legal documents and improve my attention to detail.

11:00 – Coffee Break

Mid-morning, I grab a quick coffee and catch up with colleagues in the kitchen. It’s always nice to have a chat with people from other teams, and as a fairly new member of the firm, I greatly appreciate these friendly interactions within the office.

12:00 – Shadowing a High Court Case Call

Back at my desk, I get an email from a senior lawyer inviting me to join a call about an upcoming High Court case. It’s a big meeting, with lawyers from different teams and offices sharing their insights, and I find it fascinating to see how they approach the case from different angles. My role is to take notes, which gives me a chance to learn about how cases are prepared and how lawyers manage client expectations in high-pressure situations. After the call, the legal director takes some time to go over the key points with me and answer my questions. These one-to-one conversations are incredibly helpful for my development, as they help me connect what I’m learning in my studies to real-life legal practice.

13:00 – Lunch Break

At lunchtime, I head down to the office deli and meet up with the other apprentices. Since we’re spread across different departments, lunch is a good time to catch up and hear about what everyone else has been working on. The growing apprentice community in the Manchester office also provides an excellent social environment- it’s nice to have a network of people at a similar stage in their careers.

14:00 – Business Development Research

After lunch, I’m back at my desk, working on some research for a business development initiative. I’m tasked with gathering information about several companies and putting together a clear, detailed report. This task not only sharpens my research skills but also helps me build a broader understanding of market trends and commercial awareness, which are crucial for any aspiring solicitor.

15:30 – Property Transaction Certificates

Later in the afternoon, a trainee asks me to help with filling out certificates for a few property transactions. This task involves working with official documents, so it’s a great way to learn more about the procedural side of property law. I also learn about the signing order of different parties in a deal, a small but critical detail in high-value transactions.

17:30 – Wrapping Up

As the day winds down, I reply to any final emails and make sure my time-recording entries are up to date so that my chargeable work can be billed. Once everything is wrapped up, I say goodbye to my team and head home, ready to unwind and prepare for another day of learning in the office.

Being a solicitor apprentice is challenging but also incredibly rewarding. Every day is a chance to learn something new – whether it’s about the law, working with clients, or navigating a professional environment. It’s been a fantastic experience so far, and I’m excited to see how my journey continues to unfold.

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