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If I want to have a world class operation, I need people who understand processes, people who understand waste, and people who understand how to make things efficient."

Cushman and Wakefield are a global real estate firm who generate several billions pounds per year in revenue. However, they like many companies, they were in need of a new approach where they addressed the potential weak points within their processes.


Kieran recognises this need and talks very openly about this in his conversation with Adam Marsland of our Lean Six Sigma team. He also describes how our team worked alongside him to identify the specific areas for improvement, then implement changes to rectify these.

We'd got this wildly inefficient process that meant that we couldn't deliver on our service promises.

Cushman and Wakefield serve as a great example for how Lean Six Sigma can help successful companies to improve, even when they already performing well. The discussion between Adam and Kieran also evolved to focus on leadership in business on a more general level as well as on how Lean Six Sigma factors into this. If you are interested in seeing more of this, you can find the link here.


If you think that Lean Six Sigma will benefit your business, you can contact our team by reaching out through the Consulting & Technology homepage.

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