There are many reasons why you would choose to become a contract lawyer with Pinsent Masons Vario. Some people join our hub because they want to have more control over their work schedule. Other professionals may be searching for a portfolio career where they can continue to practice law whilst also pursuing other business interests. For David Sims, this provided a window of opportunity to use and deploy his legal skills, for the first time in an in-house multi-disciplinary environment.


Growing up in Ilkeston, Derbyshire, David first got a taste for law when he studied it as part of his A-levels. With his interest peaked, he studied for his law degree in Sheffield then took the natural next steps of doing his articles and qualifying as a solicitor.


As a partner in private practice, for 15 years his main emphasis was in construction related litigation and dispute resolution. It was at this stage that David had his first major career change. He began applying his legal skills as a government lawyer within the Government Legal Department (formerly know as the Treasury Solicitors Department) and eventually became a Senior Civil Servant and team leader for upwards of 30 people.


He was then fortunate to be offered a package for early retirement. However, he was fairly reluctant to take up the offer because he was unsure of his next steps. Fortunately, it was here that he came into contact with Vario.


One of the key appeals for David was the variety of work on offer. On his assignments, he was able to work on all things construction related, both contentious and non-contentious.

David Sims

Vario Consultant

Vario definitely helped my career. Prior to Vario I was primarily engaged in litigation / dispute resolution, but working with Vario gave me the opportunity to also develop my non-contentious legal practice.

With the promise of a varied working life, and the chance to leave behind micro time recording, David found that his work-life balance improved. This allowed him to better build and maintain relationships when he was actually in work.

David Sims

Vario Consultant

It was a real joy to be flying the Pinsent Masons flag and to have their legal and professional support if needed. I was entrusted to spend quality time with some of their key construction clients. The working environment for each assignment was always interesting and really developed my legal skills.

The goodwill held by David for his work was also shared by the clients he worked for. In fact, one such client enjoyed working with him so much that they offered him a full-time permanent role as a salaried lawyer for their in-house team. Although, he’s no longer an active part of our hub, David has fond memories of his time working with Vario. He likens his experience to surfing in Cornwall. Some times are busy and exciting (like riding on the crest of a wave) and between waves / assignments, there is time to reflect and enjoy life.

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