Adi Farhan - Business Development Manager - Singapore

Before I joined Pinsent Masons, my perception of life in a law firm was shaped by movies and television, creating some initial apprehension. However, stepping through the doors over five years ago shattered those preconceptions.
From the reception staff to the office head, everyone at Pinsent Masons exuded warmth, accommodation, and engagement. The office culture is characterised by openness, friendliness, and collaboration, along with numerous community-building events, such as themed lunches, parties, and recreational activities.
As a business development professional, I am fortunate to be part of a cohesive, high-performing cross-border team that has supported my professional growth every step of the way. Beginning my journey as a business development assistant, I was provided with all the opportunities and tools necessary to enhance my skills and evolve into a more proficient professional.

The work at Pinsent Masons is challenging, industry-leading, and fulfilling, with the positive and inclusive culture adding the finishing touch to an overall enjoyable experience.

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