1140315 Career site_Collaboration and flexibility DH 1440 x 700px Hollie Young

Hollie Young - Employer Brand Manager - Birmingham

Finding Balance: Nurturing Career and Parenthood

In a world where flexibility is increasingly valued, it’s not uncommon to seek a career that offers both challenge and reward while navigating the complexities of parenthood. As more parents opt for flexible work arrangements, it’s essential to recalibrate our understanding of flexibility, diversity, and inclusion.

A few months ago, I found myself weighing two enticing offers—one from a prominent “big four” firm and the other from Pinsent Masons. The interview processes were similar, but what truly set Pinsent Masons apart was its people-centric approach. The culture here isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a lived experience.

During our discussions, real-life examples of flexibility were shared. This wasn’t mere lip service; it was genuine commitment. I knew I could openly discuss my flexible working needs without fearing repercussions.

As a working mother, I understand the unpredictability of motherhood. Recently, my daughter fell ill, prompting a call from her nursery. The next day, she rested at home while I continued working. But life has its quirks—just as I joined a video call, she popped into my home office, unannounced. Surprisingly, I wasn’t mortified. Instead, there was a tacit understanding that life’s interruptions happen, especially when balancing work and family.

Pinsent Masons recognises this reality. Their carers’ policy provides up to five days of paid leave for caring responsibilities. It’s a safety net for unexpected moments—whether tending to unwell little ones or caring for aging parents.

The ideal workplace of tomorrow lies at the intersection of flexibility and collaboration. Exceptional outcomes emerge when professionals can adapt their schedules, work remotely, and still contribute meaningfully. At Pinsent Masons, this balance isn’t just a goal; it’s a practice—a testament to their commitment to both career growth and family well-being.

So, as I continue my journey here, I remain trusted, happy, and ready for whatever life—and my daughter—may throw my way. No more unexpected cameos? Well, we’ll see about that!

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