1140315 Career site_Collaboration and flexibility DH 1440 x 700px Lorraine Mwita

Lorraine Mwita - Senior Pensions Consultant, Associate - London

Balancing Work, Life, and Passion: My Journey at Pinsent Masons

My tenure at Pinsent Masons spans most of my professional life—a journey that began as a trainee in 2011, leading me to qualify into the Pensions team in 2013. Along the way, life unfolded, presenting me with personal changes that inevitably impacted my work life. But here’s the remarkable part: the firm’s unwavering support made all the difference.

In 2015, I embarked on a slight career shift within the firm when an opportunity arose to relocate and work from our bustling London office. A few years later, I experienced the joys of motherhood with back-to-back pregnancies.

My manager exemplified empathy and understanding. Despite the whirlwind of pregnancies, I never felt pressured or guilty about returning to work. In 2020, amidst the pandemic’s peak, I eased back into my role with a flexible routine—one that accommodated my limited childcare options due to nursery closures.

As our nursery doors reopened, I transitioned to part-time work, with occasional evenings. This arrangement aligns beautifully with our family dynamics. Pre-school, my non-working days allowed quality time with my children. Now that they’re in school, I carve out moments for myself (and tackle the never-ending housework!). But there’s more: I’ve embraced one of my passions—writing.

In 2022, I proudly published my first book, “Meditations for Mothers,” a Christian devotional for new mums. The words flowed during my maternity leave, and now, as my children grow, I eagerly anticipate my next writing venture.

At Pinsent Masons, it’s not just about work. Parenthood, passion, and purpose all find their place. So, here’s to the delicate balance, the supportive workplace, and the joy of pursuing dreams alongside our careers.

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