I joined the firm as a trainee straight out of law school more than 7 years ago, and I've been happy with that decision ever since.
The culture at Pinsent Masons is probably my favourite part of the firm. Collaboration, teamwork, and open communication are encouraged and individuals at all levels are empowered to work together and share ideas freely. The firm also fosters an inclusive environment where diversity is not only acknowledged but celebrated.
The firm’s emphasis on being “connected” also resonates strongly with me. Since joining the firm, I have had the chance to travel to and work closely with several of our colleagues in our global offices. These experiences have introduced new and diverse perspectives to me, allowed me to develop an invaluable network across the firm’s global teams, and have been key to my individual career development.
The work environment, values, and practices in place have made my time at the firm a truly positive and fulfilling experience.

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