Delivered in partnership between Pinsent Masons, the Edinburgh Futures Institute and the University of Edinburgh Business School, this 1.5-day course for Senior Managers in Financial Services focuses on developing competence and providing training in understanding and addressing AI legal and regulatory risks.

AI presents immense opportunity and risk for Financial Services. Regulated Financial Services providers need to ensure that they have appropriate accountability and governance structures in place to meet the requirements of the UK regulators, including those of the Senior Managers Regime. Senior Managers must take steps to ensure that the impact of AI is addressed when considering whether the business is controlled effectively, relevant legal and regulatory requirements are complied with, responsibilities are appropriately delegated and required regulatory disclosures are understood and made.

This course, provided by the University of Edinburgh and Pinsent Masons, is tailored to the needs of Senior Managers in Financial Services. Course participants will learn from expert instructors and fellow participants who face similar challenges in addressing AI risk in the regulated context.

Before attending participants will receive a study guide outlining the key course materials. Lunch will be provided and a participants’ dinner has been arranged for the first night of the course. A follow up Q&A session one month after completion of the course will also be provided.

On successful completion Senior Managers will receive a certificate and digital badge that may be attached to online profiles confirming the training received and competence acquired.


When and where

12:00 - 17:30 BST

09:00 - 17:45 BST
Fees: £2475

Day 1 (4th June)

  • Understanding AI
  • Financial Services legal and regulatory framework
  • Data Management
  • Participants' dinner

Day 2 (5th June)

  • Accuracy - validity - reliability
  • Transparency - explainability - disclosures
  • Bias and discrimination
  • Monitoring and (human) oversight
  • Intellectual property
  • Liability
  • Governance frameworks and ethics



Adam Ntakaris

Lecturer and Programme Director at University of Edinburgh

Mike Gregory

Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Edinburgh

Event location

Edinburgh Futures Institute
1 Lauriston Pl
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