We are hosting an exclusive breakfast briefing at Lloyd's Library to launch the third edition of its annual report 2021 – “Insights from our cyber team: Annual Report 2021”.

At this breakfast briefing event, our cyber security experts will be discussing in detail of this years' annual report, in particular the implications to the financial services sector. The reports draws upon our findings from the previous years’ reports, including last year’s which discussed the cyber risk profile to organisations and the threats that occurred in the context of Covid-19. 

This year’s report delivers insights from the Cyber team in three main areas:

  • The source of cyber incident 
  • Ransomware
  • Data subject claims landscape 


08:30 - breakfast and networking 
09:00 - briefing 
10:00 - coffee and networking 
10:30 - close

Who should attend?

This session is relevant to professionals who work in the financial services sector. 


When and where

08:30 - 10:30 GMT

Event location

Lloyd's of London
One Lime Street
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