An exclusive afternoon of insightful discussion on the benefits of data sharing. At this premium event we'll be exploring the latest trends and best practices for unlocking the power of data collaboration.

Our expert speakers will provide valuable insights on effective data sharing strategies and the critical importance of developing such industries. Alongside the informative presentations, there will be plenty of opportunities to network with peers who are at the forefront of data sharing. Gain valuable insights from industry leaders and share your own experiences at this senior executive event.

Register your interest today, and we'll be in touch with you soon to confirm your participation in the event.

Who should attend

This event is ideal for business leaders who are looking for ways to enhance their business strategies through data sharing, in particular CEOs, Chief Data Officer, Chief Transformation Officer roles and other senior executives.


When and where

15:00 - 19:00 CET


  • Welcome from Arthur D. Little and Pinsent Masons and an overview of our shared goal 
  • Panel Session 1: Data sharing blockers and who we should work together to overcome them 
  • Break 
  • Panel Session 2: What does a future with data sharing look like?
  • Breakout Session: Sector focused groups looking at how data sharing could be a "game-changer"
  • Discussion on group ideas
  • Q&A
  • Networking and drinks


Henrik Hahn

Chief Digital Officer at Evonik

Klaas Hommes

Managing Director at BAS BV

Michaël Kolk

Managing Partner Global Practice Leader, Technology & Innovation Management at Arthur D. Little

Trish Lynch

Moderator at News Anchor

Event location

Vondelpark 3,
1071AA Amsterdam
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