The first in our series of webinars providing unique insights into the main political parties’ plans for employment laws, including Labour’s “new deal for working people”.

Topics in this first session include workers’ status, pay and day 1 protection from dismissal. Our employment law team is joined by our public policy experts who have years of experience, working for politicians and Ministers and advising on the development of new legislation. In this first webinar our employment law specialists will be joined by members of our Public Policy and Strategic Communications team – specialists in policy analysis and political advocacy. The team engages closely with the main political parties and their policy formation process. Their knowledge and insights will help you plan ahead for likely changes in relation to:

  • Worker status
  • Equal rights at work from day 1
  • Certainty around working hours
  • Using “fire & rehire” to change terms and conditions
  • Sick pay and minimum wage rates

When and where

12:00 - 12:30 BST

Pinsent Masons Video
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