In this session, our construction law experts from Europe, Africa and the Middle East will explore Termination of Construction Contracts.

We are living in unprecedented times, with exceptional events such as Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine adding additional financial pressures to an industry already under pressure.

The increasing cost and delay risk on projects in respect of shortages of labour and materials and cost uncertainty (whether as a result of inflation or price fluctuations) is leading to a rise in terminations; we are increasingly seeing parties wanting to exit their contracts early and, where that is not possible, they are seeking to reduce their performance / service levels to protect their margins – which in turn is exposing them to termination for non-performance.

Bearing in mind the nuances across the EMEA region, the seminar will discuss:

  • The circumstances in which parties may wish to terminate
  • The process for terminating practical steps and considerations 
  • The consequences of terminating.
  • What happens if you get it wrong?

We will offer the opportunity for all attendees to ask our local experts a question on the topic during the live Q&A. 

When and where

08:00 - 09:00 BST

Pinsent Masons Video


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