Climate, sustainability and ESG issues continue to dominate the corporate agenda for financial institutions. To help in-house legal teams stay up to date with recent developments, on 17 November 2022, we are hosting a webinar where our experts will provide an update on some ‘hot topics’ in ESG.

Climate, sustainability and ESG issues continue to dominate the corporate agenda for financial institutions. To help in-house legal teams stay up to date with recent developments, on 17 November 2022, we are hosting a webinar where our experts will provide an update the following ‘hot topics’:

During the webinar there will also be an opportunity to ask questions of the panel.

We very much hope you are able to join us for this session.


When and where

9:00 - 10:00 GMT


This interactive online session will focus on four key areas, namely:

  • Climate in the courtroom: the eagerly anticipated judgment in McGaughey v Universities Superannuation Scheme Ltd was handed down earlier this year. Andrew Short KC, lead counsel for the defendant, will explain the court’s decision and consider the potential implications for similar climate-related claims brought against other financial institutions.
  • 'Greenwashing’: recent decisions by the UK Advertising Standards Agency have prohibited specific environmental claims being made in advertising. Separately, the UK FCA recently published new rules in an attempt to ‘clamp down’ on greenwashing. Financial Regulatory expert, Liz Budd, will explore the implications of these developments for financial services businesses.
  • Regulation & governance: the ESG regulatory landscape is quickly evolving. New international standards such as the ISSB as well as regulation at both an EU and UK-level are changing the way that financial institutions operate and conduct business. Senior Climate Advisor, at Pinsent Masons, Euan McVicar and Hayden Morgan from sustainable finance consultancy Morgan Green Advisory will provide their thoughts on the implications for legal teams and in the boardroom.



Andrew Short KC

KC at Outer Temple Chambers

Euan McVicar

Senior Climate Advisor at Pinsent Masons

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