
FCA market abuse, conduct and oversight: the latest regulatory developments

The event will have a particular focus on demystifying regulatory developments in this space. Addressing how businesses can learn from FCA behaviours, expectations and enforcements, as well as the future direction of regulatory travel.

Topics in this session will include:

  • a round-up of the latest FCA enforcement actions and prosecutions;
  • the FCA’s Market Watch 79 on post-trade surveillance expectations; and
  • the new UK Listing Rules.

We are pleased to announce the launch of this new series of webinars dedicated to updating the industry on market abuse, market conduct, and FCA market oversight developments. In recent years, this is a topic which has consistently featured as a key priority or ‘commitment’ within successive FCA Strategies, and regularly leads to FCA supervisory, enforcement and market oversight activity.

Event date

11:30 - 12:30 BST

Pinsent Masons Video


Sébastien Ferrière

Associate at Pinsent Masons

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