This webinar will bring together experts from our Environment and Regulatory teams to provide an overview of business’ liability under Environmental Law in England and Wales.

Pinsent Masons’ lawyers will discuss what happens when an environmental issue arises in England and Wales, including considering when a regulator will get involved following an incident; advising on steps that can be taken by businesses post-incident; and providing an update on the types of enforcement action that can be taken by English and Welsh regulators.

The seminar will cover:

  • Introduction to Environmental Law
  • Case study
  • When will the regulator get involved?
  • Investigation by the regulator
  • Civil Sanctions
  • Criminal Enforcement

Who should attend?

Anyone with Health & Safety responsibilities.

When and where

09:30 - 10:30 GMT


For more information on further sessions in the series, please click below: 

Session 3: Updates in food law and trading law

Session 5: Health & Safety director duties and liabilities



Phil Newton

Associate at Pinsent Masons

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