The risk of a ransomware attack has heightened significantly over the last 2 years, across all industries but particularly financial services.

This session will simulate how a ransomware attack might unfold and explain the legal and business decisions that organisations may be forced to make in short timescales.

Whilst a cyber-attack may no longer be front page news, how an organisation responds will have a significant impact on its ability to recover to business as usual quickly, and to mitigate the impact on its market reputation. Further, regulators are becoming less sympathetic to organisations that suffer a cyber-attack, taking the view that businesses should now expect and anticipate such an event. Consequently, it is very much best practice for organisations to plan and rehearse how it will respond to a cyber incident.

In this webinar our dedicated Pinsent Masons team of cyber lawyers will look at the legal obligations and risks that fall onto organisations that suffer an attack, and the considerations that should be given to whether to engage with a threat actor, in response to a ransom demand. Our cyber simulation exercises are designed to ensure all stakeholders are aware of the real cyber risks.

When and where

12:00 - 13:00 BST

Pinsent Masons Video
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